The plot is considerably straightforward, a Dark Elf known as Malekith  resurfaces from forced exile to exact his vengeance on the Asgardians and plunge the Nine Realms into darkness. It’s up to Thor, his brothers-in-arms, his soul-mate Jane Foster and his treacherous half brother Loki, to save the realms. Having used Loki as ‘main villain’ in not one but two Marvel Universe movies already, it was prudent to feature a relatively unknown baddie. Although overused, Loki still remains the most interesting Asgardian, but further usage may cause ‘Loki Fatigue’ in audiences. Thor has progressed from a tantrum throwing brat to a mellowed adult. But the new villain is too aloof for me to give two hoots about. The returning actors led by Hemsworth, Portman, Hiddleston et cetera and Eccleston who plays Malekith give up-to-snuff performances. The action scenes and special effects are probably the only two reasons to watch this film. It’s a visual feast of Asgardian proportions and makes this sequel much more entertaining than the first. The quality of a comic book movie depends on having a noteworthy villain or villains. Malekith is nondescript and Loki is repetitive. The humour feels engineered and characters seem skin-deep. Although director Alan Taylor is proficient at his job having directed episodes of Game of Thrones, Mad Men and The Sopranos his efforts are dampened by the lack of effort from the screenwriters.

Rating: 6/10
S. V. Fernando


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